How To Do A Dissertation: Basic Purpose


How To Do A Dissertation: Basic Purpose

If you want to learn how to write a dissertation correctly, first of all, you should understand what the purpose and tasks of this paper are.

How to Do a Dissertation: Basic Purpose and Tasks

According to the curricula for training specialists with higher education, a dissertation is one of the types of state certification of students passed by graduates of educational levels’ bachelor’ and ‘master’. Through the preparation and defense of this paper, the applicant confirms the level of his qualifications, the ability to conduct scientific research and independently solve scientific and practical problems.

Providing a complete answer to the question “How to do a dissertation?”, we should indicate that the purpose of this paper is:

  • to systematize, generalize, consolidate and expand theoretical knowledge;
  • effective application of knowledge to perform scientific and applied tasks by in-depth mastery of the chosen topic and methods of independent research;
  • demonstration of skills of logical and consistent presentation of research material;
  • knowledge to perform tasks under the requirements of educational-professional and educational-scientific programs in a particular field of knowledge, specialty.

To achieve the goal in work the following tasks are performed:

  • Elaboration, systematization, generalization, and deepening of theoretical knowledge in the context of solving certain practical problems;
  • Formulation of a specific applied problem that has not found sufficient coverage in scientific sources and requires innovative approaches to developing a set of interrelated proposals for its solution;
  • Scientific substantiation of tools (methods, techniques, and means) for solving a certain problem;
  • Modeling of internal and external connections between the phenomena and processes which are essential for the performance of a concrete scientifically applied task;
  • Formation of motivated and balanced conclusions, recommendations, and proposals based on the results of scientific research.

So, after reading the above information, you probably understood what’s a dissertation, what’s its main goal, etc. Now let’s move on to considering the features of writing a dissertation.

Dissertation Writing Tips and Adhering to Basic Structural Components

If you want to write an excellent paper, pay close attention to our dissertation writing tips. They will help you with this difficult work.

When writing your dissertation, follow this approximate structure:

  • Title page;
  • Tasks for research;
  • Order for qualification work (if necessary);
  • External review (third-party specialist in the relevant field of science and professional activity);
  • Certificate of implementation (if required);
  • The response of a supervisor;
  • Annotation;
  • Resume (for graduates of the educational and scientific program);
  • Content;
  • List of symbols, units, abbreviations, and terms (if necessary);
  • Introduction;
  • Sections of the central part;
  • Conclusions to sections;
  • General conclusions;
  • References;
  • Applications (if required).

Below we will tell you about the peculiarities of arranging the most important sections of an academic dissertation.

Title Page

The title page usually contains:

  • The name of the ministry to which the institution of higher education is subordinated;
  • The name of the institution of higher education, faculty (institute), and department where the work was performed;
  • Last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant;
  • The topic of a paper;
  • Code and name of the specialty and the name of the educational-professional (educational-scientific) program;
  • Educational degree;
  • Group code, surname, initials, and signature of the applicant;
  • Scientific degree, academic title, surname, initials, and signature of the supervisor, as well as the consultant (if any);
  • Mark of admission to the defense, date, name, initials, and signature of the head of the graduating department;
  • City, year.


The content is presented at the beginning of the work. It indicates the titles of the work components – sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs (if they have separate titles), appendices, and page numbers on which the material of the relevant structural parts of the work begins.


The abstract contains information about the author, the title of the work, educational degree, and specialty in which it is performed, place and year of defense, and a summary of the work’s content and results.


The resume contains information about the scope and structure of the paper, the number of tables and figures, sources used, applications, the purpose of the work, the object and subject of research, the conclusions made and their novelty, and keywords.

In any case, if you have difficulties with your resume, you can contact our service. We will help with resume and other papers.

List of Symbols, Units, Abbreviations, and Terms

All commonly used symbols, units, abbreviations, and terms used in the paper are explained in the list immediately after the table of contents, starting from a new page.


It is an integral part, which briefly presents own assessment of the current state of the problem, pointing to practical/uncompleted tasks, scientific approaches already used in this field of scientific research, the work of leading scientists and experts, global trends and innovation, foreign experience in performing the tasks, substantiation of the expediency of scientific research. The introduction formulates the relevance of the chosen topic, purpose and objectives of research, object, subject of study, selected research methods, scientific novelty, the practical significance of the results, information on testing the products, and publications. The approximate volume of the introduction is 2.5-4 pages of printed text.

Main Part

The main part of the work is its basic component, which contains a statement of modern information and ideas about the object (subject) of research or a description of developments, which are necessary and sufficient to disclose of scientific research writing results (description of research methodology, characteristics and/or properties of the object (subject) of research, the main basic decisions, and mechanisms that ensure their implementation and the comprehensive implementation of the tasks set for the researcher). The main part consists of sections, subsections, paragraphs. The methodology, techniques, tools, and results of the study are logically revealed in this part.


Conclusions are generally posted immediately after the main part, starting from the new page. They:

  • present the main scientific results obtained by the author, which reveal the degree of achievement of the goal and objectives of the work, their scientific and theoretical value, and applied significance;
  • reflect the positive and negative aspects of the proposed solutions and developments;
  • compare them with previous scientific achievements, decisions (developments);
  • formulate recommendations for scientific and practical use of the obtained results.

For better perception, the conclusions’ text should be divided into paragraphs and placed in a particular logical sequence (first the latest scientific and theoretical results, and then the results of a practical nature). Conclusions should take about 3-5 pages.

List of Used Sources

This section contains a list of sources that are referenced in the text. This list begins on a new page, providing bibliographic descriptions in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text or in alphabetical order with their end-to-end numbering.


In the appendices, it is advisable to place auxiliary illustrations or tables, as well as materials. Due to the large volume, specifics of presentation, or form of presentation, they cannot be included in the main part of the work (original photographs, intermediate mathematical proofs, formulas, calculations, instructions, techniques, primary documents or their copies, etc.).

How to Write a Dissertations Main Text?

The main part is the most important in the paper. Therefore, it seems appropriate to tell you in detail how to write a dissertation’s main text.

To write a successful academic dissertation, you need to go through several stages:

  • The scientific level of the research. Based on a thorough study of a sufficient number of scientific sources, detailed analysis, and critical assessment of different views of scientists and practitioners on the research problem, the applicant must demonstrate his ability to track and disclose the essence of the studied categories and concepts, features and trends of social life;
  • Analytical level. Collected, systematized, analyzed by the author factual and statistical material must be submitted in the text in the form of analytical tables, charts, graphs or made in the appendices to the paper;
  • Illustrative level. The author of a dissertation must demonstrate the ability to systematize the results of theoretical research, their presentation in the form of diagrams, the use of a graphical method of visual representation of the results of empirical research;
  • Professional level. The research should correspond to the specialty passport, demonstrate a high level of professional knowledge and skills of the author, mastery of special professional terminology, knowledge of the legal framework, the ability to analyze phenomena and processes, identify problems, and justify proposals for their solution;
  • Novelty and validity of proposals. The level of an academic dissertation is assessed by the positions of novelty, number, and validity of the author’s proposals for solving problems and tasks set in the work;
  • Approbation of research results. An important requirement for qualifying work is the approbation of the results of the study. Their participation in scientific conferences often carries out approbation of the results.

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